Studio Classes

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Join a transformational and uplifting Slow flow, Vinyasa flow or Yin yoga class with Stephanie Howard & the Maisons-Laffitte yoga community.


Expect a creative flow that moves at a slow and juicy pace. There is more focus on alignment and more instruction in this class. You will leave the class feeling energized and replenished.*


Expect an energetic and intelligent yoga flow with strong poses and creative sequencing. The classes are designed to be challenging and inspiring both physically and mentally. Be prepared to move and sweat. You will leave class feeling amazing - strong in both body and mind.*


Expect long, restful holds (usually between 3-7 minutes) that can be enhanced by supportive props like blankets, bolsters and blocks. The class is very slow and grounding. The long holds give you a wonderful feeling of being stretched out in your own skin and are both very healing and transformative. You will leave class feeling much calmer as we access the “rest and digest” part of your nervous system. Lots of people leave feeling "yin stoned" (in a good way!).*

*All of the classes are taught with an amazing music playlist (in my opinion - essential to a good class!). I am a big fan of physical "hands-on" adjustments (as well as verbal ) as a way to enhance your experience of a yoga class.


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